. . . [censored] posters for a "See You at The Pole" event last September at Lakeview Elementary School in Mt. Juliet [Wilson County]. . . included the phrases "In God We Trust" and "God Bless the U.S.A."
UPDATE 9/30/11: School settles ADF lawsuit but continues various restrictions out of fear of more ACLU lawsuits
-- From "Wilson schools ban God and get sued" by Bob Smietana, The Tennessean 3/4/09
The Alliance Defense Fund, on behalf of four families, filed suit Tuesday in U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee, claiming that the school board censored posters for a student-led prayer event.
They also included a disclaimer, saying that the event was student led, not school endorsed.
Lakeview officials objected to the God references as well as an invitation to "come and pray," the suit says. Before the posters, drawn by students, were approved, all religious language had to be covered over.
To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.