Poll shows vast majority of ALL Americans oppose abortion and same-sex marriage, yet none of the mainstream media will print it
Observe the spin:
-- From "Survey: Catholic voters split on abortion, gay marriage" by Ashley Gipson, Religion News Service 10/14/08
U.S. Catholic voters are split on the issues of abortion and same-sex marriage between those who attend church at least twice a month and those who attend church less often, according to a survey released Tuesday (Oct. 14) by the Knights of Columbus.
The survey found that both Catholics (73 percent) and non-Catholics (71 percent) agreed that America needs a "moral makeover." Non-practicing Catholics — defined as those who attend church less than twice a month — were more likely to support abortion rights and same-sex marriage than the American population at large.
Seventy-five percent of practicing Catholics oppose same-sex marriage, compared to 54% of non-practicing Catholics. Sixty-five percent of non-practicing Catholics identified themselves as "pro-choice" on abortion, compared to 36% of practicing Catholics.
The survey revealed that 76% of pro-choice non-practicing Catholics said abortion should be significantly restricted.
And now, the poll results:
-- From "Poll: 84% oppose abortion, 70% oppose same-sex marriage" © 2008 WorldNetDaily 10/14/08
A poll has revealed surprising statistics about Americans: 84 percent agree that abortion should be significantly restricted, and 70 percent say they would vote for a candidate who opposed same-sex marriage.
The poll was conducted from Sept. 24 to Oct. 3 for the Knights of Columbus, a 1.7 million-member Catholic men's society formed to provide mutual aid to its members and families, by the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion.
The poll surveyed 1,733 Americans from across the nation, 1,503 of whom are registered voters and 813 of whom are Roman Catholics.
The results on the issue of abortion were particularly unexpected:
Only 8 percent of those polled believed abortion should be available to a woman at any time in her pregnancy
Of the 50 percent who called themselves pro-choice, three-fifths said abortion should only be available in the first three months of pregnancy
71 percent of registered voters said they would support a candidate who maintains that life begins at conception
71 percent of those calling themselves pro-choice said they would approve of significant limits to abortion access beyond our nation's current laws on abortion
84 percent of the total believes abortion should be significantly restricted, favoring a variety of limits, from permitting the procedure only in the first three months of pregnancy, to only in the case of rape or incest, to not at all
When asked about the issue of same-sex marriage, nation-wide agreement was also apparent:
Only 30 percent of those polled support legalizing same-sex marriage
38 percent of Americans oppose any legal recognition of same-sex couples, including civil unions
70 percent of Americans (and 70 percent of Catholics) said they would vote for a candidate who believed marriage should be between one man and one woman
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