The pair, including an American, will face July trial in Norway for carrying a sign at a freedom celebration.
"If people really understand what it costs to preach the Gospel, you'll understand the times we are in."
-- From "2 arrested for talking about Jesus" by Bob Unruh on WorldNetDaily 5/22/08
Larry Keffer, who works through the Biblical Research Center in Tampa, Fla., was accompanied by Norwegian evangelist Petar Keseljevic when both were arrested for sharing the Gospel along a parade route in Oslo, Norway, according to officials with the International Human Rights Group.
"Larry and Petar were standing in pedestrian areas behind the crowds gathering for the celebration holding an evangelical sign and sharing the Gospel with those who were gathered for the parade," [Spokesman Joel Thornton of] the IHRG said.
"Police asked them to move away from the palace of the king and take their message anywhere else along the route. They moved and were then approached by other police officers. Larry was never told that he would be arrested if he did not leave. One of the officers talked with Petar in Norwegian for a few minutes and then arrested them both," the IHRG said.
"The two men were not even preaching. Petar was holding a sign on a tall post and both men were conversing with the crowd. They were not using a bullhorn and their message was one of the need to be born again," Thornton told WND.
The sign read: "Only Jesus can save you from hell, read the Bible for the details."
"Several people cursed them and one person cursed America since one of the men was American," he said.
Thornton said the IHRG is working with a team of Norwegian lawyers to try to resolve the case against the two ministers.
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