New government guidelines will "compel" faith schools to comply with gay agenda normalization of homosexuality
From "UK Minister Pledges Government Collaberation with Gay Activists in stopping "Homophobic Bullying" in Schools" by Hilary White, posted 7/6/07 at
Britain's minister for Children, Schools and Families told gay activists yesterday that the Labour government is committed to working closely with the homosexual activist organization Stonewall in eradicating "homophobic bullying" in schools. He told activists that new government guidelines are planned that will "compel" faith schools to comply with the homosexual movement's agenda to normalize homosexuality and outlaw opposition.
At the same time, Stonewall has produced a survey claiming that religious schools are responsible for 65 per cent of "homophobic bullying". Stonewall is Britain's most successful homosexual political lobby group and was largely responsible for the imposition earlier this year of the Sexual Orientation Regulations, opposed by most religious groups in the country as a case of anti-Christian political manoeuvring.
Speaking at an activist conference, Education for All, sponsored by Stonewall, Education Minister Kevin Brennan stressed that faith schools will be compelled to "take action against homophobia". Brennan told, "The guidance is strong; it has got the full force of the government behind it. We are committed to making sure that every school implements the guidance… We will be monitoring its implementation."
This is what happens when government views homosexuality as a benign characteristic instead of a destructive behavior.
Freedom was nice while it lasted.
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