Iran is now welcoming World War III and any chance to go after America. As they furiously hurry to complete their nuclear arsenal, the world watches tiny Israel take the first plunge into actually stopping them by eliminating their terrorist surrogate, Hezbollah. Yes.
Iran is ready for World War III, but is America?
This is Sandy Rios with Culture Campaign.
Nearly five years ago, like-minded members of this world-wide terror movement turned hundreds of innocent people into weapons against their own and flew commercial airlines into the heart of New York City, murdering nearly three thousand people. Until censors rushed in, you could see bodies falling from the buildings in various acts of suicide and desperation. America was gripped with fear and disbelief. I watched in amazement, stranded in Beijing, China, as I saw a CNN anchor turn to a pastor on camera and ask him to pray. I knew then my world had profoundly changed.
And it had. For a few days, people fell on their knees in the streets of New York, crying out to God. For a few weeks, people flocked to churches, looking for meaning and hope and strength. Young men ran to military recruiters, signing up to protect their home…their families….people waved the red, white, and blue, and in a non-partisan, supreme show of patriotism, supported the only man upon whose shoulders the response would depend, President George W. Bush, by percentages well into the 90’s. But that was four years ago.
In that short time, the President has been called a “liar,” the War in Iraq, mocked as “his.” Ant-war protestors have gained momentum through “Code Pink” and radical war-mom Cindy Sheehan. Any bad conduct, alleged or real, by America Soldiers has been recklessly plastered on front pages, made available to our enemies to further stoke hatred and incite them to behead and torture more of our own. The New York Times and others have taken it upon themselves to expose powerful, secret methods by which we’ve managed to stop further attacks. And are proud to have done so. The rights of terrorists in Gitmo and European interrogation facilities are their utmost concern. They have sued phone companies who have cooperated, exposed banking systems that have tracked terrorist money.
Now a rogue former ambassador and his CIA wife are suing the Vice President and others in the administration for bogus accusations of “outing” the wife, Valerie Plame, who was in fact, “outed” years ago by infamous traitor Aldridge Ames. As they pose in Vanity Fair in a convertible and speculate on the stars who may play them in the movie, they plunge the administration into further distraction in a time of war.
And the effect of the mischief of the Left can be felt in the hearts and determination of our young soldiers. While claiming to support the troops, they plant seeds of doubt, ridicule mercilessly the Commander in Chief, to whom they must look to for guidance. No soldier can march into battle without confidence, and no War can be won by a wavering and uncertain army.
So is America ready for World War III? We have the sophisticated weapons necessary. We have the brains and manpower, but we lack the unity. Abraham Lincoln, invoking the words of Jesus said, “A house divided against itself will not stand.” It was true 2000 years ago, it was true in 1860 and it is true today.
Is America ready for World War III? I don’t think so, and we have some serious work to do before our beloved country can ultimately prevail in a global conflict.
For Moody Radio, this is Sandy Rios.